Logo CNV-Hub

Research only

CNV-Hub is an automatic CNV classifier based on several databases and models such as DGV, GenCode, Decipher, ClinGen, Sfari, Coe & Al study, ClassifyCNV and XCNV.

Examples :

Pathogenic : Loss chr22-18894835-21798755
Benign : Loss chr10-46976157-47570497
PIEV : Loss chr16-28786642-29061036
Neurodevelopmental disorders : Gain chrX-6441957-8167697

Search by Genomic coordinates :

Search by Cytoband :

Search by other format :

GRCh38 DEL:chr22-18894835-21798755
arr[GRCh37] 16p12.1-11.1(24,700,000_36,600,000)x1