Length (hg19) : 1,725,740 bases - Length (hg38) : 1,675,740 bases

skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin skin

CNV-Hub AChro-Puce
Likely benign

Variation found in the list of recurrent CNVs known to be predisposing factors for neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD) established by the French working group AChro-Puce.
LIKELY BENIGN (Benign if the patient is female)

AChro-Puce Criteria taken into account 1


2 Major

CNV inherited from Asymptomatic parent


4 Major

De novo CNV or inherited from Symptomatic parent


4 Major

At least one occurrence in patients databases as pathogenic or likely pathogenic


4 Minor

No occurrence in DGV / DGV-Gold > 50 % overlaps


4 Minor

CNV length of 1 Mb or more



ClassifyCNV ACMG 4

AnnotSV ACMG 5

ACMG criteria



Patient with specific, well-defined phenotype and no family history. CNV is inherited from an apparently unaffected parent.

+ 0.45

CNV segregates with a consistent phenotype observed in the patient’s family.


+ 1

Complete overlap of an established HI gene/genomic region.


Patient with specific, well-defined phenotype and no family history. CNV is inherited from an apparently unaffected parent.

+ 0.45

CNV segregates with a consistent phenotype observed in the patient’s family.

Diseases :

Gene Disease Source Inheritance
STS Recessive X-linked ichthyosis Orphanet X-linked recessive


19 benign CNV
6 likely benign CNV
20 uncertain CNV
6 likely pathogenic CNV
3 pathogenic CNV

70% Overlaps


7 benign CNV
80 unknown CNV
49 uncertain CNV
19 pathogenic CNV

70% Overlaps



80% Overlaps


50% Overlaps



80% Overlaps


50% Overlaps

Coe & Al study 6


Patient cases
70% Overlaps


70% Overlaps

Genes with pTriplo > 0.68 7


Genes with pHaplo > 0.55 7


Genes in SFARI


Genes in OMIM


Sources and references

1 : AChroPuce Consortium Recommandations pour l’interpretation Clinique des CNV (Copy Number Variations) Septembre 2022.

2 : Automated prediction of the clinical impact of structural copy number variations : M. Gažiová, T. Sládeček, O. Pös, M. Števko, W. Krampl, Z. Pös, R. Hekel, M. Hlavačka, M. Kucharík, J. Radvánszky, J. Budiš & T. Szemes View article

3 : Zhang L, Shi J, Ouyang J, Zhang R, Tao Y, Yuan D, et al X CNV genome wide prediction of the pathogenicity of copy number variations Genome Med 2021 13 132.

4 : Gurbich, T.A., Ilinsky, V.V. ClassifyCNV: a tool for clinical annotation of copy-number variants. Sci Rep 10, 20375 (2020). View article

5 : Geoffroy V, Herenger Y, Kress A, et al. AnnotSV: an integrated tool for structural variations annotation. Bioinforma Oxf Engl. 2018;34(20):3572-3574. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bty304

6 : Coe BP, Witherspoon K, Rosenfeld JA, van Bon BWM, Vulto van Silfhout AT, Bosco P, et al Refining analyses of copy number variation identifies specific genes associated with developmental delay Nat Genet 2014 46 1063 71

7 : Collins RL, Glessner JT, Porcu E, Lepamets M, Brandon R, Lauricella C, et al A cross disorder dosage sensitivity map of the human genome Cell 2022 185 3041 3055 e 25

Delete and Recompute CNV

6 OMIM Gene overlap(s)

Download genes as .csv

STS NM_001320752.2   Whole gene - Size : 707,121 bases

pLI : 0.81 LOEUF : 0.44 sHet : 0.19
Location : 7,065,278 - 7,772,399

Disease : Recessive X-linked ichthyosis

Source : Orphanet

Database :

DecipherGenomics PanelApp OMIM:300747 Orphanet:461 HGNC:11425 PMID:10583107 PMID:1069212 GTEx Portal Human Protein Atlas Ensembl

Human Phenotype Ontology   Show/Hide

HP:0003593 Infantile onset Onset of signs or symptoms of disease between 28 days to one year of life.
HP:0003623 Neonatal onset Onset of signs or symptoms of disease within the first 28 days of life.
HP:0000717 Autism Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impaired social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior. Autism begins in childhood. It is marked by the presence of markedly abnormal or impaired development in social interaction and communication and a markedly restricted repertoire of activity and interest. Manifestations of the disorder vary greatly depending on the developmental level and chronological age of the individual (DSM-IV).
HP:0007431 Congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma An ichthyosiform abnormality of the skin with congenital onset.
HP:0001419 X-linked recessive inheritance A mode of inheritance that is observed for recessive traits related to a gene encoded on the X chromosome. In the context of medical genetics, X-linked recessive disorders manifest in males (who have one copy of the X chromosome and are thus hemizygotes), but generally not in female heterozygotes who have one mutant and one normal allele.
HP:0001250 Seizure A seizure is an intermittent abnormality of nervous system physiology characterised by a transient occurrence of signs and/or symptoms due to abnormal excessive or synchronous neuronal activity in the brain.
HP:0000083 Renal insufficiency A reduction in the level of performance of the kidneys in areas of function comprising the concentration of urine, removal of wastes, the maintenance of electrolyte balance, homeostasis of blood pressure, and calcium metabolism.
HP:0001339 Lissencephaly A spectrum of malformations of cortical development caused by insufficient neuronal migration that subsumes the terms agyria, pachygyria and subcortical band heterotopia. See also neuropathological definitions for 2-, 3-, and 4-layered lissencephaly.
HP:0000028 Cryptorchidism Testis in inguinal canal. That is, absence of one or both testes from the scrotum owing to failure of the testis or testes to descend through the inguinal canal to the scrotum.
HP:0100617 Testicular seminoma The presence of a seminoma, an undifferentiated germ cell tumor of the testis.
HP:0033252 Palmar hyperlinearity Exaggerated skin markings (dermatoglyphics) on the palms of the hand.
HP:0003577 Congenital onset A phenotypic abnormality that is present at birth.
HP:0010866 Abdominal wall defect An incomplete closure of the abdominal wall.
HP:0001263 Global developmental delay A delay in the achievement of motor or mental milestones in the domains of development of a child, including motor skills, speech and language, cognitive skills, and social and emotional skills. This term should only be used to describe children younger than five years of age.
HP:0000962 Hyperkeratosis Hyperkeratosis is thickening of the outer layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, which is composed of large, polyhedral, plate-like envelopes filled with keratin which are the dead cells that have migrated up from the stratum granulosum.
HP:0004322 Short stature A height below that which is expected according to age and gender norms. Although there is no universally accepted definition of short stature, many refer to "short stature" as height more than 2 standard deviations below the mean for age and gender (or below the 3rd percentile for age and gender dependent norms).
HP:0008064 Ichthyosis An abnormality of the skin characterized the presence of excessive amounts of dry surface scales on the skin resulting from an abnormality of keratinization.
HP:0007018 Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) manifests at age 2-3 years or by first grade at the latest. The main symptoms are distractibility, impulsivity, hyperactivity, and often trouble organizing tasks and projects, difficulty going to sleep, and social problems from being aggressive, loud, or impatient.
HP:0010788 Testicular neoplasm The presence of a neoplasm of the testis.
HP:0002488 Acute leukemia A clonal (malignant) hematopoietic disorder with an acute onset, affecting the bone marrow and the peripheral blood. The malignant cells show minimal differentiation and are called blasts, either myeloid blasts (myeloblasts) or lymphoid blasts (lymphoblasts).
HP:0000982 Palmoplantar keratoderma Abnormal thickening of the skin of the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet.
HP:0011463 Childhood onset Onset of disease at the age of between 1 and 5 years.
HP:0000122 Unilateral renal agenesis A unilateral form of agenesis of the kidney.
HP:0002381 Aphasia An acquired language impairment of some or all of the abilities to produce or comprehend speech and to read or write.
HP:0001249 Intellectual disability Intellectual disability, previously referred to as mental retardation, is characterized by subnormal intellectual functioning that occurs during the developmental period. It is defined by an IQ score below 70.
HP:0007957 Corneal opacity A reduction of corneal clarity.
HP:0000958 Dry skin Skin characterized by the lack of natural or normal moisture.
HP:0007759 Opacification of the corneal stroma Reduced transparency of the stroma of cornea.
HP:0002167 Abnormality of speech or vocalization Abnormalities in the sound of a person's speech or vocalization are not necessarily associated with a known physical cause or due to stuttering or stammering.
HP:0000966 Hypohidrosis Abnormally diminished capacity to sweat.
HP:0002577 Abnormal stomach morphology An abnormality of the stomach.
HP:0004298 Abnormality of the abdominal wall The presence of any abnormality affecting the abdominal wall.
HP:0000135 Hypogonadism A decreased functionality of the gonad.

PUDP NM_012080.5   Whole gene - Size : 480,293 bases

pLI : 0.32 LOEUF : 1.11
Location : 6,585,906 - 7,066,199

Database :

DecipherGenomics PanelApp OMIM:306480 GTEx Portal Human Protein Atlas Ensembl

PNPLA4 NM_004650.3   Whole gene - Size : 29,492 bases

pLI : 0 LOEUF : 1.27 sHet : 0.017
Location : 7,866,288 - 7,895,780

Database :

DecipherGenomics PanelApp OMIM:300102 GTEx Portal Human Protein Atlas Ensembl

VCX NM_001393662.1   Whole gene - Size : 1,881 bases

pLI : 0.34 LOEUF : 1.82
Location : 7,810,303 - 7,812,184

Database :

DecipherGenomics OMIM:300229 GTEx Portal Human Protein Atlas Ensembl

VCX3A NM_016379.4   Exons 1->3 / 3 - Size : 1,500 bases

pLI : 0.31 LOEUF : 1.87
Location : 6,451,659 - 6,453,159

Database :

DecipherGenomics OMIM:300533 GTEx Portal Human Protein Atlas Ensembl

VCX2 NM_016378.3   Whole gene - Size : 1,323 bases

pLI : 0.06 LOEUF : 1.94
Location : 8,137,985 - 8,139,308

Database :

DecipherGenomics OMIM:300532 GTEx Portal Human Protein Atlas Ensembl

7 Non-OMIM Gene overlap(s)

Size : 445,943 bases

Location : 7,896,484 - 8,342,427

Size : 454 bases

Location : 6,907,370 - 6,907,824

Size : 399 bases

Location : 7,031,046 - 7,031,445

Size : 77 bases

Location : 7,065,901 - 7,065,978

Size : 1,540 bases

Location : 7,407,700 - 7,409,240

Size : 208 bases

Location : 7,864,555 - 7,864,763

Size : 96 bases

Location : 8,095,006 - 8,095,102

54 ClinGen CNV overlap(s) (>= 70% only)

19 Benign CNV    6 Likely benign CNV    20 Uncertain CNV    6 Likely pathogenic CNV    3 Pathogenic CNV

#1 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,429,318 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,706,326 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#2 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,442,424 - 8,135,239 | Size : 1,692,815 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#3 Likely benign (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,445,320 - 8,152,874 | Size : 1,707,554 bases

Score : 0
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#4 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,446,824 - 8,144,888 | Size : 1,698,064 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#5 Pathogenic (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,448,750 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,686,894 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#6 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,448,750 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,686,894 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#7 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,449,232 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,686,412 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#8 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,449,751 - 8,135,645 | Size : 1,685,894 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#9 Likely pathogenic (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,450,699 - 8,138,035 | Size : 1,687,336 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#10 Benign (nssv579577)
Location : 6,452,206 - 8,136,721 | Size : 1,684,515 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#11 Likely benign (nssv13648739)
Location : 6,453,035 - 8,131,751 | Size : 1,678,716 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#12 Benign (nssv13645575)
Location : 6,453,035 - 8,139,186 | Size : 1,686,151 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#13 Uncertain significance (Single allele)
Location : 6,453,035 - 8,139,238 | Size : 1,686,203 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#14 Likely benign (nssv13652011)
Location : 6,453,035 - 8,151,615 | Size : 1,698,580 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#15 Likely benign (nssv13653488)
Location : 6,453,035 - 8,151,615 | Size : 1,698,580 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#16 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,453,208 - 8,132,826 | Size : 1,679,618 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#17 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,454,812 - 8,139,581 | Size : 1,684,769 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#18 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,454,812 - 8,135,239 | Size : 1,680,427 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#19 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,454,812 - 8,135,053 | Size : 1,680,241 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#20 Uncertain significance (Single allele)
Location : 6,456,035 - 8,133,172 | Size : 1,677,137 bases

Score : 1
Phenotype : Primary amenorrhea

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#21 Benign (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,456,939 - 8,135,053 | Size : 1,678,114 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#22 Likely pathogenic (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,458,165 - 8,135,053 | Size : 1,676,888 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#23 Likely benign (nssv1609818)
Location : 6,449,687 - 8,115,094 | Size : 1,665,407 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#24 Benign (nssv1608327)
Location : 6,449,687 - 8,115,094 | Size : 1,665,407 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#25 Likely benign (nssv1608353)
Location : 6,450,427 - 8,115,094 | Size : 1,664,667 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#26 Benign (nssv579578)
Location : 6,452,206 - 8,116,067 | Size : 1,663,861 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#27 Benign (nssv706907)
Location : 6,452,680 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,644,831 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#28 Benign (nssv1601836)
Location : 6,452,680 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,644,831 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#29 Benign (nssv1602864)
Location : 6,452,694 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,644,817 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#30 Benign (nssv1603833)
Location : 6,453,048 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,644,463 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#31 Benign (nssv1609744)
Location : 6,454,211 - 8,115,094 | Size : 1,660,883 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#32 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,455,150 - 8,128,200 | Size : 1,673,050 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#33 Benign (nssv579581)
Location : 6,467,005 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,648,148 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#34 Likely pathogenic (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,476,349 - 8,135,053 | Size : 1,658,704 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#35 Likely pathogenic (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,477,549 - 8,119,329 | Size : 1,641,780 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#36 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,500,764 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,634,880 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 97 %

#37 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,516,734 - 8,135,053 | Size : 1,618,319 bases

Score : 1
Phenotype : Premature ovarian failure

Mean Coverage : 97 %

#38 Uncertain significance (nssv3396104)
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#39 Benign (nssv576505)
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#40 Benign (nssv579580)
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#41 Benign (nssv579579)
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#42 Benign (nssv579584)
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,050,650 | Size : 1,561,930 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#43 Benign (nssv579583)
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,050,650 | Size : 1,561,930 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#44 Uncertain significance (nssv3396085)
Location : 6,570,936 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,526,575 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 94 %

#45 Likely pathogenic (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,596,638 - 8,135,053 | Size : 1,538,415 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 94 %

#46 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,631,976 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,503,668 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 93 %

#47 Pathogenic (nssv582313)
Location : 6,628,263 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,469,248 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#48 Pathogenic (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,677,960 - 8,144,721 | Size : 1,466,761 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#49 Benign (nssv1604450)
Location : 6,452,694 - 8,497,777 | Size : 2,045,083 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 91 %

#50 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,112,443 - 8,257,510 | Size : 2,145,067 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 89 %

#51 Benign (nssv576556)
Location : 6,453,071 - 7,809,341 | Size : 1,356,270 bases

Score : 0

Mean Coverage : 88 %

#52 Likely pathogenic (Xp22.31)
Location : 6,179,829 - 8,605,251 | Size : 2,425,422 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 83 %

#53 Benign (nssv579585)
Location : 6,551,154 - 7,555,351 | Size : 1,004,197 bases

Score : 1

Mean Coverage : 74 %

#54 Uncertain significance (Xp22.31)
Location : 7,043,619 - 8,050,591 | Size : 1,006,972 bases

Score : 0
Phenotype : Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 74 %

155 Decipher CNV overlap(s) (>= 70% only)

7 Benign CNV    80 Unknown CNV    49 Uncertain CNV    19 Pathogenic CNV

#1 : uncertain
Location : 6,435,864 - 8,138,103 | Size : 1,702,239 bases

Patient Id : 265624
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Macrocephaly, Low\-set, posteriorly rotated ears, Dry skin, Global developmental delay, Morphological central nervous system abnormality, Unilateral ptosis, Large earlobe

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#2 : uncertain
Location : 6,443,665 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,688,145 bases

Patient Id : 286227
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Ventriculomegaly

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#3 : benign
Location : 6,444,759 - 8,133,172 | Size : 1,688,413 bases

Patient Id : 259618
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Facial asymmetry, Intellectual disability, Bilateral tonic\-clonic seizure, Generalized non\-motor (absence) seizure, Clinodactyly of the 5th finger, Feeding difficulties in infancy, Muscular hypotonia of the trunk, Early onset of sexual maturation

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#4 : uncertain
Location : 6,446,578 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,689,066 bases

Patient Id : 370075
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, Seizure

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#5 : benign
Location : 6,448,500 - 8,135,568 | Size : 1,687,068 bases

Patient Id : 366975
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Short upper lip, Microcephaly, Long philtrum, Autism, Abnormal facial shape, Supernumerary nipple, Long nose, Cleft earlobe, Short upper lip, Microcephaly, Long philtrum, Autism, Abnormal facial shape, Supernumerary nipple, Long nose, Cleft earlobe

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#6 : pathogenic
Location : 6,448,751 - 8,135,645 | Size : 1,686,894 bases

Patient Id : 338130
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#7 : unknown
Location : 6,449,232 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,686,412 bases

Patient Id : 292271
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Seizure

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#8 : pathogenic
Location : 6,449,643 - 8,133,172 | Size : 1,683,529 bases

Patient Id : 281937
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Cognitive impairment

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#9 : uncertain
Location : 6,449,751 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,685,893 bases

Patient Id : 370094
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, Seizure, Intellectual disability, Seizure

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#10 : uncertain
Location : 6,451,637 - 8,138,411 | Size : 1,686,774 bases

Patient Id : 359568
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#11 : benign
Location : 6,451,675 - 8,131,781 | Size : 1,680,106 bases

Patient Id : 353805
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay, Abnormal facial shape

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#12 : uncertain
Location : 6,451,675 - 8,199,512 | Size : 1,747,837 bases

Patient Id : 339403
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Microcephaly, Abnormal heart morphology

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#13 : uncertain
Location : 6,453,047 - 8,138,103 | Size : 1,685,056 bases

Patient Id : 280613
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Delayed speech and language development, Hypothyroidism, Global developmental delay, Generalized\-onset seizure

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#14 : uncertain
Location : 6,453,047 - 8,133,172 | Size : 1,680,125 bases

Patient Id : 281171
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Progressive microcephaly, Epicanthus, Sloping forehead, Cupped ear, Strabismus, Deeply set eye, Hypermetropia, Delayed speech and language development, Tapered finger, Delayed ossification of carpal bones, Tremor, Clinodactyly of the 5th finger, Abnormality of thumb phalanx, Mild global developmental delay, Primary microcephaly

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#15 : uncertain
Location : 6,453,312 - 8,133,172 | Size : 1,679,860 bases

Patient Id : 259044
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Microcephaly, Anteverted nares, Strabismus, Sacral dimple, Eczema, Global developmental delay, Generalized hypotonia, Failure to thrive in infancy, Constipation, Chorea, Delayed gross motor development, Excessive salivation

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#16 : unknown
Location : 6,455,149 - 8,134,650 | Size : 1,679,501 bases

Patient Id : 279910
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Microcephaly, Esotropia, Global developmental delay, Abnormal facial shape, Muscle fiber atrophy, Microcephaly, Esotropia, Global developmental delay, Abnormal facial shape, Muscle fiber atrophy

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#17 : unknown
Location : 6,455,149 - 8,135,643 | Size : 1,680,494 bases

Patient Id : 341216
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay, Language impairment, Global developmental delay, Language impairment, Global developmental delay, Language impairment, Global developmental delay, Language impairment

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#18 : unknown
Location : 6,455,150 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,680,494 bases

Patient Id : 292308
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, Seizure

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#19 : uncertain
Location : 6,455,150 - 8,135,568 | Size : 1,680,418 bases

Patient Id : 350457
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, borderline

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#20 : uncertain
Location : 6,455,150 - 8,135,568 | Size : 1,680,418 bases

Patient Id : 360716
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autism, Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#21 : uncertain
Location : 6,455,150 - 8,135,568 | Size : 1,680,418 bases

Patient Id : 368726
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autism

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#22 : uncertain
Location : 6,455,150 - 8,135,568 | Size : 1,680,418 bases

Patient Id : 388539
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#23 : uncertain
Location : 6,455,150 - 8,141,076 | Size : 1,685,926 bases

Patient Id : 369261
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#24 : uncertain
Location : 6,456,939 - 8,144,219 | Size : 1,687,280 bases

Patient Id : 421970
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#25 : unknown
Location : 6,456,939 - 8,135,053 | Size : 1,678,114 bases

Patient Id : 269094
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Delayed speech and language development, Intellectual disability, Hypotonia, Delayed skeletal maturation

Mean Coverage : 99 %

#26 : unknown
Location : 6,401,143 - 8,156,173 | Size : 1,755,030 bases

Patient Id : 261600
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#27 : unknown
Location : 6,413,904 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,701,249 bases

Patient Id : 267362
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#28 : unknown
Location : 6,451,675 - 8,097,482 | Size : 1,645,807 bases

Patient Id : 2679
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#29 : pathogenic
Location : 6,451,675 - 8,097,482 | Size : 1,645,807 bases

Patient Id : 323655
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, mild, Clumsiness

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#30 : unknown
Location : 6,451,700 - 8,115,124 | Size : 1,663,424 bases

Patient Id : 284898
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#31 : uncertain
Location : 6,452,488 - 8,097,652 | Size : 1,645,164 bases

Patient Id : 355785
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Strabismus, Intellectual disability, mild, Clinodactyly of the 5th finger, Strabismus, Intellectual disability, mild, Clinodactyly of the 5th finger

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#32 : unknown
Location : 6,453,035 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,644,476 bases

Patient Id : 281766
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autistic behavior, Global developmental delay, Autistic behavior, Global developmental delay, Autistic behavior, Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#33 : uncertain
Location : 6,453,312 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,661,841 bases

Patient Id : 339420
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Abnormal heart morphology

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#34 : uncertain
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,674,408 bases

Patient Id : 343309
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#35 : unknown
Location : 6,466,758 - 8,110,454 | Size : 1,643,696 bases

Patient Id : 317640
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#36 : uncertain
Location : 6,467,005 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,664,805 bases

Patient Id : 318939
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#37 : pathogenic
Location : 6,467,005 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,664,805 bases

Patient Id : 337302
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Hypermetropia, Aggressive behavior, Stereotypy, Precocious puberty, Hypotonia, Generalized non\-motor (absence) seizure, Camptodactyly, Clinodactyly

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#38 : uncertain
Location : 6,467,005 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,664,805 bases

Patient Id : 349746
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Growth delay, Decreased body weight, HP:0011398, Neurodevelopmental delay, Growth delay, Decreased body weight, HP:0011398, Neurodevelopmental delay

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#39 : uncertain
Location : 6,467,005 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,664,805 bases

Patient Id : 379337
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#40 : pathogenic
Location : 6,469,300 - 8,133,895 | Size : 1,664,595 bases

Patient Id : 401254
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Inguinal hernia, Cryptorchidism, Macrocephaly, Low\-set ears, Prominent nasal bridge, Telecanthus, Delayed speech and language development, Abnormality of the skin, Hypotonia, Joint laxity, Diastasis recti, High pitched voice, Pes planus, Recurrent infections, Short nose, Spotty hyperpigmentation, Feeding difficulties in infancy, Short 5th finger, Thin ear helix, Muscle fiber atrophy, Inguinal hernia, Cryptorchidism, Macrocephaly, Low\-set ears, Prominent nasal bridge, Telecanthus, Delayed speech and language development, Abnormality of the skin, Hypotonia, Joint laxity, Diastasis recti, High pitched voice, Pes planus, Recurrent infections, Short nose, Spotty hyperpigmentation, Feeding difficulties in infancy, Short 5th finger, Thin ear helix, Muscle fiber atrophy

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#41 : unknown
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,643,090 bases

Patient Id : 4140
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, Intellectual disability, Intellectual disability, Intellectual disability, Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#42 : uncertain
Location : 6,489,876 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,641,934 bases

Patient Id : 287697
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, moderate

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#43 : unknown
Location : 6,489,877 - 8,131,752 | Size : 1,641,875 bases

Patient Id : 264505
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Hypospadias, Ventricular septal defect, Anal atresia, Hypospadias, Ventricular septal defect, Anal atresia

Mean Coverage : 98 %

#44 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,266,240 | Size : 1,808,838 bases

Patient Id : 249263
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 97 %

#45 : unknown
Location : 6,462,710 - 8,075,124 | Size : 1,612,414 bases

Patient Id : 284928
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 97 %

#46 : unknown
Location : 6,482,090 - 8,091,924 | Size : 1,609,834 bases

Patient Id : 248460
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Macroglossia, Open mouth, Coarse facial features, Visual impairment, Upslanted palpebral fissure, Widely spaced teeth, Intellectual disability, Nasal speech, Macroglossia, Open mouth, Coarse facial features, Visual impairment, Upslanted palpebral fissure, Widely spaced teeth, Intellectual disability, Nasal speech, Macroglossia, Open mouth, Coarse facial features, Visual impairment, Upslanted palpebral fissure, Widely spaced teeth, Intellectual disability, Nasal speech

Mean Coverage : 97 %

#47 : unknown
Location : 6,488,520 - 8,097,652 | Size : 1,609,132 bases

Patient Id : 267074
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Psychosis, Autism, Delayed speech and language development, Broad palm, Intellectual disability, Broad foot, Spotty hyperpigmentation

Mean Coverage : 97 %

#48 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,164,803 | Size : 1,612,092 bases

Patient Id : 277823
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intrauterine growth retardation, Aplasia\/hypoplasia involving bones of the lower limbs

Mean Coverage : 97 %

#49 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,164,803 | Size : 1,612,092 bases

Patient Id : 366402
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, mild

Mean Coverage : 97 %

#50 : unknown
Location : 6,482,090 - 8,060,633 | Size : 1,578,543 bases

Patient Id : 4540
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Conductive hearing impairment, Protruding ear, Intellectual disability, Ventricular septal defect

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#51 : unknown
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 268271
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Behavioral abnormality, Intellectual disability, Seizure, Constipation, Sleep disturbance

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#52 : benign
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 285369
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autistic behavior, Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#53 : uncertain
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 322576
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Enlarged kidney, Short long bone, Enlarged kidney, Short long bone

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#54 : uncertain
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 323615
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Cleft palate, Intrauterine growth retardation, Congenitally corrected transposition of the great arteries with ventricular septal defect

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#55 : uncertain
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 327269
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, Global developmental delay, Intellectual disability, Global developmental delay, Intellectual disability, Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#56 : uncertain
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 360342
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Large forehead, Frontal hirsutism

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#57 : uncertain
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 396006
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#58 : uncertain
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 402049
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Premature birth, Hypercalcemia

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#59 : pathogenic
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 413521
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#60 : uncertain
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 414302
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#61 : uncertain
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 414303
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#62 : unknown
Location : 6,488,720 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,608,791 bases

Patient Id : 258543
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Short stature

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#63 : unknown
Location : 6,488,749 - 8,097,481 | Size : 1,608,732 bases

Patient Id : 258120
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Macrocephaly, Intellectual disability, Small nail, Deep plantar creases, Pyloric stenosis, Deep palmar crease, Macrocephaly, Intellectual disability, Small nail, Deep plantar creases, Pyloric stenosis, Deep palmar crease

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#64 : unknown
Location : 6,488,749 - 8,097,481 | Size : 1,608,732 bases

Patient Id : 262991
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#65 : unknown
Location : 6,495,280 - 8,091,350 | Size : 1,596,070 bases

Patient Id : 249113
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Malar flattening, Short attention span, Hyperactivity, Intellectual disability, Obesity, Prominent ear helix

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#66 : unknown
Location : 6,523,519 - 8,131,810 | Size : 1,608,291 bases

Patient Id : 274059
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Hypotonia

Mean Coverage : 96 %

#67 : uncertain
Location : 6,307,645 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,827,999 bases

Patient Id : 308798
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Epicanthus, Hypertelorism, Long philtrum, Micrognathia, Wide nasal bridge, Downslanted palpebral fissures, Atopic dermatitis, Global developmental delay, Intellectual disability, moderate, Mild microcephaly, Arachnoid cyst, Epicanthus, Hypertelorism, Long philtrum, Micrognathia, Wide nasal bridge, Downslanted palpebral fissures, Atopic dermatitis, Global developmental delay, Intellectual disability, moderate, Mild microcephaly, Arachnoid cyst, Epicanthus, Hypertelorism, Long philtrum, Micrognathia, Wide nasal bridge, Downslanted palpebral fissures, Atopic dermatitis, Global developmental delay, Intellectual disability, moderate, Mild microcephaly, Arachnoid cyst, Epicanthus, Hypertelorism, Long philtrum, Micrognathia, Wide nasal bridge, Downslanted palpebral fissures, Atopic dermatitis, Global developmental delay, Intellectual disability, moderate, Mild microcephaly, Arachnoid cyst

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#68 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,061 | Size : 1,574,659 bases

Patient Id : 259159
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#69 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 258409
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#70 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 280977
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay, Abnormal facial shape

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#71 : uncertain
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 292254
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#72 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 253521
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#73 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 253523
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#74 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 253517
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#75 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 253519
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#76 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 251340
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#77 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 251344
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Microcephaly, Intellectual disability, Atrial septal defect

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#78 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 253526
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#79 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 253528
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#80 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 254019
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#81 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 255055
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#82 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 257250
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#83 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 258075
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#84 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 251356
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#85 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 251816
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Abnormality of the face, Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#86 : unknown
Location : 6,457,402 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,574,718 bases

Patient Id : 253259
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#87 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 299789
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Behavioral abnormality, Arnold\-Chiari malformation, Cognitive impairment

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#88 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 300165
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay, Abnormal facial shape, Global developmental delay, Abnormal facial shape

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#89 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 412791
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#90 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 267033
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#91 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 267358
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#92 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 269349
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#93 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 277861
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, moderate, Intellectual disability, moderate

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#94 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 360723
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, moderate, Intellectual disability, moderate

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#95 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 369921
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Hypospadias, Neonatal hypotonia, Cardiomegaly, Hypospadias, Neonatal hypotonia, Cardiomegaly, Hypospadias, Neonatal hypotonia, Cardiomegaly, Hypospadias, Neonatal hypotonia, Cardiomegaly

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#96 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 283241
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Seizure, Intellectual disability, profound

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#97 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 294591
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#98 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 263163
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#99 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 263213
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#100 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 266252
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#101 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 267025
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#102 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 326365
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, moderate

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#103 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 292598
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Cleft palate, Sensorineural hearing impairment

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#104 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 346744
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autistic behavior

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#105 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 349734
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Behavioral abnormality, Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#106 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 355283
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#107 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 306460
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Congestive heart failure, Agenesis of pulmonary vessels

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#108 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 322774
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Dyslexia, Abnormality of coordination

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#109 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 322806
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Hypotonia

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#110 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 326626
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, Specific learning disability

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#111 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 326845
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Specific learning disability, High myopia

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#112 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 328505
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Increased nuchal translucency

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#113 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 328542
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#114 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 339833
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Diabetes mellitus, Diabetes mellitus

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#115 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 294511
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Cognitive impairment

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#116 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 285415
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Delayed speech and language development

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#117 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 292578
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Epileptic spasm, Cognitive impairment, Epileptic spasm, Cognitive impairment

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#118 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 277958
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Behavioral abnormality, Intellectual disability

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#119 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 278620
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autistic behavior

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#120 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 280011
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Behavioral abnormality, Intellectual disability, moderate

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#121 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 278904
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, moderate

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#122 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 292656
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autistic behavior, Cognitive impairment, Autistic behavior, Cognitive impairment

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#123 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 300965
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autistic behavior

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#124 : benign
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 301045
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Narrow mouth, Hypomimic face, Abnormality of the musculature

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#125 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 303276
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Global developmental delay

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#126 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,442 bases

Patient Id : 305241
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Delayed speech and language development

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#127 : pathogenic
Location : 6,552,720 - 8,115,153 | Size : 1,562,433 bases

Patient Id : 368550
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Delayed speech and language development, Hyperactivity

Mean Coverage : 95 %

#128 : unknown
Location : 6,308,483 - 8,268,626 | Size : 1,960,143 bases

Patient Id : 252907
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 94 %

#129 : benign
Location : 6,308,486 - 8,097,571 | Size : 1,789,085 bases

Patient Id : 287086
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Congenital diaphragmatic hernia

Mean Coverage : 94 %

#130 : unknown
Location : 6,385,311 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,646,809 bases

Patient Id : 254924
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 94 %

#131 : uncertain
Location : 6,539,361 - 8,064,079 | Size : 1,524,718 bases

Patient Id : 333584
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Microcephaly, Neurodevelopmental delay

Mean Coverage : 94 %

#132 : uncertain
Location : 6,552,711 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,544,800 bases

Patient Id : 341716
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Mean Coverage : 94 %

#133 : unknown
Location : 6,451,437 - 8,434,574 | Size : 1,983,137 bases

Patient Id : 263228
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 93 %

#134 : unknown
Location : 6,550,954 - 8,032,261 | Size : 1,481,307 bases

Patient Id : 250671
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Cryptorchidism, Trigonocephaly, Micrognathia, Posteriorly rotated ears, Delayed speech and language development, Intellectual disability, Proportionate short stature, Decreased testicular size

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#135 : unknown
Location : 6,551,153 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,480,967 bases

Patient Id : 270824
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Epicanthus, Visual impairment, Delayed speech and language development, Intellectual disability, Joint laxity, Obesity, Epicanthus, Visual impairment, Delayed speech and language development, Intellectual disability, Joint laxity, Obesity

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#136 : unknown
Location : 6,551,154 - 8,032,061 | Size : 1,480,907 bases

Patient Id : 281855
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Atrial septal defect

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#137 : unknown
Location : 6,551,154 - 8,032,061 | Size : 1,480,907 bases

Patient Id : 281857
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Atrial septal defect

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#138 : unknown
Location : 6,551,154 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,480,966 bases

Patient Id : 259822
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#139 : unknown
Location : 6,551,154 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,480,966 bases

Patient Id : 280621
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#140 : unknown
Location : 6,551,154 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,480,966 bases

Patient Id : 253522
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#141 : unknown
Location : 6,551,154 - 8,032,120 | Size : 1,480,966 bases

Patient Id : 256002
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 92 %

#142 : unknown
Location : 6,129,928 - 8,140,295 | Size : 2,010,367 bases

Patient Id : 258105
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 91 %

#143 : benign
Location : 6,413,934 - 8,498,137 | Size : 2,084,203 bases

Patient Id : 308166
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Autistic behavior, Autistic behavior

Mean Coverage : 91 %

#144 : unknown
Location : 6,250,879 - 8,005,909 | Size : 1,755,030 bases

Patient Id : 258840
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 90 %

#145 : unknown
Location : 6,552,711 - 7,964,736 | Size : 1,412,025 bases

Patient Id : 333173
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 90 %

#146 : unknown
Location : 6,503,907 - 7,845,167 | Size : 1,341,260 bases

Patient Id : 3782
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Submucous cleft hard palate, Emotional lability, Autism, Aggressive behavior, Hyperactivity

Mean Coverage : 87 %

#147 : uncertain
Location : 5,881,859 - 8,235,703 | Size : 2,353,844 bases

Patient Id : 318323
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Holoprosencephaly, Cerebellar malformation

Mean Coverage : 85 %

#148 : unknown
Location : 6,866,448 - 8,097,511 | Size : 1,231,063 bases

Patient Id : 248992
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Cafe\-au\-lait spot, Intellectual disability, Hypotonia, Clinodactyly of the 5th finger, Cafe\-au\-lait spot, Intellectual disability, Hypotonia, Clinodactyly of the 5th finger

Mean Coverage : 83 %

#149 : unknown
Location : 6,947,708 - 8,232,419 | Size : 1,284,711 bases

Patient Id : 250646
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, Seizure, Hypotonia, Proportionate short stature, Intellectual disability, Seizure, Hypotonia, Proportionate short stature

Mean Coverage : 81 %

#150 : uncertain
Location : 6,968,280 - 8,095,281 | Size : 1,127,001 bases

Patient Id : 291038
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Tall stature, Low anterior hairline, Global developmental delay, Pes cavus, Gastroesophageal reflux, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, Joint contracture of the hand, Cerebral palsy, Long fingers

Mean Coverage : 79 %

#151 : uncertain
Location : 6,968,281 - 8,095,281 | Size : 1,127,000 bases

Patient Id : 301405
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Developmental cataract, Joint hypermobility, Thoracolumbar scoliosis

Mean Coverage : 79 %

#152 : uncertain
Location : 7,039,462 - 8,135,644 | Size : 1,096,182 bases

Patient Id : 370066
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : Intellectual disability, Seizure, Intellectual disability, Seizure

Mean Coverage : 78 %

#153 : uncertain
Location : 5,972,380 - 7,721,305 | Size : 1,748,925 bases

Patient Id : 340084
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 74 %

#154 : unknown
Location : 6,551,154 - 7,555,351 | Size : 1,004,197 bases

Patient Id : 2127
Gender : Inconnu
Phenotype : High palate, Abnormality of the face, Myopia, Nystagmus, Delayed speech and language development, Tapered finger, Intellectual disability, Macrodontia, Pes cavus, Short foot, High palate, Abnormality of the face, Myopia, Nystagmus, Delayed speech and language development, Tapered finger, Intellectual disability, Macrodontia, Pes cavus, Short foot

Mean Coverage : 74 %

#155 : unknown
Location : 6,947,708 - 7,952,174 | Size : 1,004,466 bases

Patient Id : 248534
Gender : Inconnu

Mean Coverage : 74 %

0 Gene(s) in SFARI Database

0 DGV-Gold overlap(s) (>= 50% only)

0 DGV overlap(s) (>= 50% only)

0 Patient cases (>= 70% only)

0 Controls (>= 70% only)

3 Gene(s) in PanelApp Database

STS   PanelApp Whole gene - Size : 707,121 bases

Confidence Disease Inheritance Phenotype Evidence
High Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, monoallelic mutations in females may cause disease (may be less severe, later onset than males)

- Ichthyosis, X-linked, 308100

- Expert Review Green

- Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen


- Eligibility statement prior genetic testing

High Ichthyosis and erythrokeratoderma X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, monoallelic mutations in females may cause disease (may be less severe, later onset than males)

- Ichthyosis, X-linked, OMIM:308100

- Expert Review Green

High Palmoplantar keratodermas X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, biallelic mutations in females

- X linked ichthyosis

- London North GLH


- Expert Review Green

High Corneal dystrophy X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, monoallelic mutations in females may cause disease (may be less severe, later onset than males)

- Ichthyosis, X-linked

- Expert Review Green

- Wessex and West Midlands GLH

High Undiagnosed metabolic disorders X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, monoallelic mutations in females may cause disease (may be less severe, later onset than males)

- X-linked ichthyosis (Other disorders in the metabolism of sterols)

- Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis

- Expert Review Green

- Literature

High Likely inborn error of metabolism - targeted testing not possible X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, monoallelic mutations in females may cause disease (may be less severe, later onset than males)

- X-linked ichthyosis (Other disorders in the metabolism of sterols)

- Autosomal recessive congenital ichthyosis

- Expert Review Green

- London North GLH


Low Fetal anomalies X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, biallelic mutations in females


- Expert Review Red

- PAGE DD-Gene2Phenotype

High DDG2P X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, biallelic mutations in females


- DD-Gene2Phenotype

- Expert Review Green

Low Intellectual disability - microarray and sequencing X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, biallelic mutations in females

- Gene2Phenotype confirmed gene with ID HPO

- Expert Review Red

- BRIDGE study SPEED NEURO Tier1 Gene

Low Childhood onset dystonia, chorea or related movement disorder

- Expert Review Red

- London North GLH

Low Childhood onset dystonia, chorea or related movement disorder

- Expert Review Red

- London North GLH

PUDP   PanelApp Whole gene - Size : 480,293 bases

Confidence Disease Inheritance Phenotype Evidence
Low Intellectual disability - microarray and sequencing X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, monoallelic mutations in females may cause disease (may be less severe, later onset than males)

- Expert Review Red

PNPLA4   PanelApp Whole gene - Size : 29,492 bases

Confidence Disease Inheritance Phenotype Evidence
Low Likely inborn error of metabolism - targeted testing not possible Unknown

- Expert Review Red

Low Possible mitochondrial disorder - nuclear genes X-LINKED: hemizygous mutation in males, biallelic mutations in females

- No OMIM phenotype


- Expert Review Red

Low Mitochondrial disorders

- Victorian Clinical Genetics Services

ClassifyCNV ACMG Score


ClassifyCNV ACMG Criteria


Patient with specific, well-defined phenotype and no family history. CNV is inherited from an apparently unaffected parent.

+ 0.45

CNV segregates with a consistent phenotype observed in the patient’s family.

AnnotSV Score


AnnotSV ACMG Criteria

+ 1

Complete overlap of an established HI gene/genomic region.


Patient with specific, well-defined phenotype and no family history. CNV is inherited from an apparently unaffected parent.

+ 0.45

CNV segregates with a consistent phenotype observed in the patient’s family.